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Global Warming...Fact or Fiction?

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The latest statistics I read claim that in only 10 years there will be places where their normal, everyday temperature will be higher than their highest norms are currently. So, every day will be like a record breaking high. Then they said eventually the whole world would be like that by 2047.

Think about that number. That's only 34 years away. Not 1000 or even 100. Just 34...within most people's lifetime.

Then they showed a a dried, cracked area in Texas that used to be a lake...

What are your opinions on global warming? Will it happen soon???

Greatest load of rubbish and in most instances just alarmists frightening people.

My opinion.


--- Quote from: iceblock on November 03, 2013, 10:24:16 AM ---Greatest load of rubbish and in most instances just alarmists frightening people.

My opinion.

--- End quote ---

So then what is your logical explanation for the extreme weather around the world? I live in the north where massive ice blocks (excuse the name comparison) are literally melting and areas that have NEVER been clear of ice in recorded history are now rivers.

The past couple of years residents have been able to go golfing in the dead of winter when we're usually huddled indoors by the fireplace.

It certainly sounds like we're due for one of the Earth's climate shifts that has happened before, but I'm willing to hear your explanation as well....

I live in Australia and there has been no change to the weather pattern or landscape here since I was born.

And I live right on the coast, on a peninsula, jammed between an ocean from the south and a beautiful bay in the North. Personally I think climate change is just a bunch of scientists justifying their funding requirements. It is normal for the weather to change over the course of thousands of years, it is believed Sydney Harbour was nothing more than a series of canals at one point for example but to suggest it is changing quickly enough to impact so it is noticed not in blocks of hundreds of years but by a generation is pretty alarmist.

You see the thing with history is that we easily forget. Today's strongest typhoon to ever strike the Earth (and I wish those people in Vietnam all the best and hope the poor souls in the Philippines can rest in piece) is last century's disaster. These things have always happened, and will continue to happen. This is not global warming, or climate change, this is normal.

While it is true that events like that have happened before, they are now happening at a greater frequency than "normal". Whenever weather disasters happened when I was a kid it was always in some remote place I had never heard of before, but then it hit New Orleans a few years ago, and that was the closest ever to me. Now it's a regular event where towns within North America where I live are being wiped out...schools gone...houses reduced to nothing. The hurricane season in the past 3 years has been the worse ever here.

Bad weather and the disasters caused by it are common, but the recent frequency of them is not, at least not as far back as anyone in my family can remember, including my 103 year old uncle. While I do agree there are alarmists that make a "mountain out of a molehill" (as they say here), it seems like people disbelieve the incredible claims of the alarmists and then dismiss ALL of what is shown by real, scientific evidence, unfortunately. Put aside the alarmist claims and look at what's left and there is still lots of credible evidence there.

Bottom line though is that, believe it or not, it's something we'll all be able to find out soon enough...perhaps in as little as 10 years. Meet back here then to compare notes? ;)


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