Findom Experiences And Stories > Financial Domination Discussion

help with findom addiction

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I'm a married guy, mid '50s, love my wife, have 2 grown children out of the house, yada-yada.

Unfortunately, i've spent $20,000 in findom , homewrecking and blackmail clips and calls and tributes the last several months to niteflirt, manyclips, clips4sale, iwantclips, kinkbomb. Fortunately, I have *NOT* given anyone my real information!

I have gotten most of the clip stores to agree to block my credit cards so I can no longer use any of them. My niteflirt account is closed. I have been clean for 2 weeks but the temptation is always lurking.

I find myself listening to clips such as "Lauren Rules Bankruptsy" where she tells me to liquidate my savings, 401k, etc., and the thought is agonizingly appealing.

Does anyone have any advice? Anyone successfully kick this???

It sounds like you have gone over the deep in and are going to have a serious issue kicking it. There are some Dommes that will help you scratch that itch without bankrupting you. While others will gladly stand by and laugh as your life goes up in flames.
All I can say is find someone who will support you. Like a mentor.

Just 20K?

I've spent over 200K.

Miss Demonia:
To be honest, it is very hard to give up on findom for a sub. It is addicting and sweet, the feeling is unrepeatable in any other way...I explained it in my last post in my blog. If you want to have a look at it, it might be enlightening!

I can only suggest you, if you really are willing to quit without relapsing, to get professional help. There is no escape from findom ;)

I tried professional help.  It didn't work. LOL


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