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What Are You Doing Now?


I prolly don't even want to imagine what some of you are up to while surfing the web, but hell... Let's open up Pandora's Box. :o

About to get these taxes done. Then I'm going to jump on a game of COD. Yep, nothing special.

What am I doing right now? lol
I multi-task ALL the time. I write, I work, I order the worthless tools around making them spiral down the drain, then I write some more. You know, never ending cycle.

Trying to find little mister Nigel... I haven't heard from him yesterday.
Soon traveling to bed though... I

Wishing my new phone and computer would ship faster... im having to use my xbox for everything...

Netflix and chill at the moment. lol  :) I am watching The Shinning :D.

Just finished painting my toenails. Slave #342 will be serving me tonight at 8pm and its wallet can't resist my freshly painted toes


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