Femdom Fetish Discussions > HUMILIATION CORNER

Petey The Pathetic Piglet


The Pay Pig Of The Month is a great title to have.
This pathetic wanker maintains the title, and probably will continue to do so as he truly holds a gift of wanting to be financially dominated while being publicly humiliated.
He knows and loves how I think nothing of plastering his face all over the internet world.
It makes him coming back for more each time we get together online.
I just put him on youtube today, and by doing so, it makes me smile proudly as I have made my mark!
I hold no boundaries to those that yearn for real public humiliation!!
Bring it on!!
Let's Play!

Visit Petey The Pathetic Piglet HERE, or read about Cock Whore Petey (Part 2) HERE to learn more!!


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