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Messages - GoddessNyxx

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Financial Domination Discussion / Re: Twitter findoms are irresponsible?
« on: August 13, 2018, 04:36:48 AM »
That's a generalization. And even the way that you posed the question in your title makes it seem like you're unsure about the matter.

There are different types of Findommes just as there are different types of people. Not every Domme on a particular site is the same, nor are Domme's who have similar methods, etc... each and every Domme is different.

There are Domme's that make it blatantly clear that what they expect is to ruin a sub, the Domme will post this in black ans white, make daily tweets about it, etc. and the sub approached the Domme knowing this. To be then later regretting it saying "I didn't think I would get addicted." is foolish.

That's like reading the label of a cigarette with the disclaimer saying that you will most likely get addicted, and your friends then telling you that you will indeed get addicted, only for you to go ahead and start smoking cigarettes, then later on start lamenting that you've now grown addicted to cigarettes.

There are of course, Domme's that aren't frank about how much they plan on FinDoming you; however you've entered the FemDom world knowing that Females have control. If it really pains you then leave at the first instance of it. When something is just starting you can quit, but to keep going and going and then start to blame the Domme and call her heartless or screwed up? I don't know about that.  :-\ You would have had countless opportunities to leave before you got enveloped by your interactions.

You're also very aware that you're entering the FINdom scene... Huge emphasis on fin and emphasis on Domme. As I've said earlier,  there are many different kinds of FinDomme's. Some will speak to you without upfront tribute, others will not. If you choose to go to the Findomme who requires tribute upfront because you genuinely wish to serve her then there wouldn't be an issue, would there?

Even your word choice is a bit pharisaical. A "genuine sadist"? A Domme that "actually views their slaves as worthless"? Yes. Hello, welcome to the world of BDSM, more specifically, welcome to the beauty and uniqueness of FemDom. There are different levels of extremity for a reason. If you're unable to handle things of that intensity, then look for a different type of Domme or look elsewhere.

You should never serve a Domme if you don't have the same ideals as her, or if you're unable to accept her views. Point, blank, period.

Blackmail is an entirely different matter, it's illegal. If you're legitimately being blackmailed with no prior arrangement to do so then alert the authorities... it's that simple. If you feel uncomfortable then stop at that moment, don't keep going and feeling like you need to go on. Doing so only gives you distress and it isn't productive for the Domme.

Just as different people have different religions, different people have different fetishes and kinks. You may not entirely understand the other religion but that doesn't automatically mean that the people within that religion are wrong or terrible people; or that the leaders within the religion are unthoughtful and uncaring. They told you what the religion would require whether they told you the entirety or not, you were still aware of the background of their religion. You as a human being with your freedom of choice made the conscious decision to follow said religion, knowing what the religion entailed... don't then be disgruntled after you've been in the religion for a while and just "figured" that it wouldn't be like that" That's nescient behavior.

I won't even write a full comment on the comical assumption that Findommes on Twitter are "cam actresses" based in Europe... honestly. Is that conspiracy, is that you displaying sign of cretinous...? Probably both. Although there could be another reason.

If everyone lived their lives not believing or trusting in others because of past ill experiences they'd had; this society would not exist.

Now I'm not saying that I agree with completely not caring about a sub to the point where the kids might suffer, however, if you have children then you take care of your children first. That shouldn't even be something that needs to be said. If you're aware that you have to take care of kids then do so, don't venture off into something that you know full well will require you to tribute your assets. The one in the wrong at the point is not the Domme, especially is she makes it clear (which a majority do); the one in the wrong at that point is the sub that seeks out the Domme despite the fact that they have a responsibility to their children.

I'm not active on Twitter so I don't necessarily know the "ins and outs" or the "drama" that goes on behind the scene, but that statement that you made was ignorant... that's my honest opinion. Not only did you judge an entire group of FemDoms, but you then attempted to insult them with traits that are common within different levels of BDSM.

"Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is devastation. Ignorance is tragedy. Ignorance is impotence. Ignorance is fear. Ignorance births the illness of foolishness... It all stems from ignorance."
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