Findom Experiences And Stories > Time Wasters

Richard Wants To Save Us FinDoms!


This was good for a chuckle...

I got an application from "Richard" who wanted to know how he could serve me and I replied, but then he replied back saying that I was taking advantage of "mentally ill men" and how no man in his right mind would want this and I should get help to release the good girl inside me.

Awwwwww....Richard wants to SAVE us poor souls from the wicked life we lead! He doesn't seem to understand the concept of consent & fetishes and how a great match can work out for everyone. His world is only black & white. Maybe we can save HIM??

Feel free to suggest help for him at

I think he's secretly hiding a sad little boy inside who just wanted my Domme girl to come out and play with him....maybe??

I'll let you all know if I find out....

 :) I wonder how many experiences he's had? He sounds sheltered...


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