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Immigration. Particularly on Undocumented Central Americans.

Started by sgtjdusar, December 07, 2015, 09:29:34 PM

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I have had some interest in the so called "Immigration crisis at the Southern U.S Border with Mexico".   in particular of Central American Immigrants entering the U.S.A without Documents.  In particular interest is the number of so called unaccompanied Minors.   Also Haitian, Caribbean, Cuban and South American Immigration through Florida and the Gulf Coast. 

Being that I consider myself a White Slave and a White Submissive who firmly supports the idea of Black, Hispanic (Latina) and East Asian Supremacy.   It would only be consistent for me to support and encourage immigration of those groups into the U.S.A.  However, in my case I would prefer those immigrants to want to come to the U.S.A who have a high sense of being Financial Dominant and wanting to acquire White Slaves.   And that naturally would include the Undocumented.   

Reality is though that I doubt any of the present immigrants especially the Undocumented to have any plan or intention or even the slightest thought to come to the U.S.A in order to collect and own a Money Slave(s).  At least I have yet to see any evidence of that.  The Immigrants that I have met and seen so far (Meaning the Undocumented).  Seem to be quite uneducated and can barely read and write.  I also have a friend who speaks Spanish and the way many of the Undocumented speak even in Spanish seem to think in a very basic level of intelligence and reasoning.    This to me seems particularly true of those coming from Guatemala.  So I do not think any concept of FD would ever come in their minds in order to live well in the U.S.  I could be wrong. I am only basing this opinion on my own limited observations. 

I do know as a money slave and as a White Slave I would hope to see a huge influx of Central American FD's coming to the U.S.  Including those who bringi their minors with them intending to own White, U.S Citizen Money Slaves.  But, reality is that I see that not happening in the least.

As for the case of unaccompanied minors coming into the U.S.  If they are 15 and under they should be declared as abandoned by their parents and then made available for immediate, free and open adoption by any U.S Citizen willing to adopt them.   If that was the case, everyone would benefit.  Especially those who are having difficulty obtaining offspring. 

Anyone else have thoughts on this subject? 


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