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The Black Hole (Hot Topics And Mud Slinging Allowed!) => Politics => Topic started by: sgtjdusar on December 18, 2015, 11:44:50 PM

Title: Whic 2016 Presidential Candidate is best for the Financial Domination Interest?
Post by: sgtjdusar on December 18, 2015, 11:44:50 PM
The question of which Year 2016 U.S.A Presidential Candidate would have the best interest of the practice of financial domination is a difficult question to answer.  The main problem involved with the question is that as far as we know none of the Presidential Candidates have any idea, opinion or practice or experience in the practice of FD.  In fact, most likely all of them would probably rather avoid the topic or feel very uncomfortable making any statement about the practice of FD. 

So who among the year 2016 U.S.A Presidential Candidates should those of us involved in the FD Interest support? 

Being, that Libertarian political thought is a political philosophy based on individual freedoms and a un obtrusive government in the personal lives of people I would think those of us involved with FD should support the most Libertarian Candidate.  In my opinion that would at this present time among the Republican Party Candidates would be Rand Paul.  Republican Senator from Kentucky.  Some may say why not Donald Trump?  Or even why not Ted Cruz? 

In the case of Donald Trump.  I consider him more authoritarian then Libertarian.  Not to mention the personality of Donald Trump would go against the idea of a submissive male money slave.  Granted,  their ares ome Male FD's.  However, they are not considered for this topic.  (Maybe some other time).  The idea of Donald Trump coming in favor of the FD art seems an unlikely event.  He is a Businessman and I do not see him personally submissive to his Wife.  Granted  who knows? 

Ted Cruz:  He is a very strong Conservative.  However, also an authoritarian.  Ted Cruz if given the opportunity to speak about FD I would expect him to be quite negative in his ideas. 

Rand Paul:  A consistently Libertarian with Conservative leanings.  However, Rand Paul does make it clear that he supports individual freedom including freedom of association  Which is an absolute necessity within the FD interest. 

So what about the Libertarian Party?  Voting Libertarian would be the best option I think.  Mark Feldman is probably the most favorable of any Presidential Candidate to the FD Interest. 

I think we in the FD Interest should support Open and free Immigration.  Especially among Central Americans, Caribbean and Sub Sahara Africans.  The reason is that those of us within the FD Interest should promote the idea of the practice of FD.  Those of us withing the FD interest who also have an interest in Racial Domination.  Especially those of us Whites who believe that Non Whites should be able to own White Slaves should encourage Immigration into the U.S.  The reason is that may make it easier for even just one of those Immigrants may want to enter the U.S.A in order to own White Slaves.    That being the case, we in the FD Interest can determine which Presidential Candidate would be most favorable to the practice of FD? 

Among the Democrats of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders:   The problem with these two is the Socialist and Big Government Welfare State Supporting politics of these two.  The problem here is that FD is based and worked best in a Free Market Capitalism system.  The basic ideas of Socialism and Liberal Political ideas and economics are diametrically opposed to the practice of FD. 

Personally,  I recommend Rand Paul.  He may not even come close.  However, his ideas are most in line with the art of FD.  Secondly, Register to vote as a Libertarian and then vote in November 2016 for Mark Feldman. 

Title: Re: Whic 2016 Presidential Candidate is best for the Financial Domination Interest?
Post by: MistressBella on December 21, 2015, 10:22:30 AM
I find this to be a very interesting question, which I cannot seem to come to a fair conclusion.
This fetish, or should I say most types of fetishes outside the sexual world, aren't well recepted, understood, etc.

In my experience, the power hungry mongrels are the weakest and most submissive, however could actually lose their "Power" if it were to be found out they were seeking domination online or real-time.

I am Canadian, and though we have some fet events we're "open", there isn't enough understanding around us, for me to say any political party would be best suited for FinDom or anything of the like would be an outright lie.

In the cities, it would be different, HOWEVER, even in those instances, most people don't truly understand the differences, as they would see FinDom, Domming, etc, etc as being a prostitute or something similiar without REALLY thinking about the power and control aspect.

Where I'm from (my specific community), it's definitely not accepted nor understood, so to really explain this with my local MLA would be nearly impossible for a couple of reasons...

-LOCAL meaning, you would have to worry about confidentiality between you and your MLA Representative (no matter what party comes to your door or calls).  There are Dommes who could lose their jobs if what they were doing partime was to come out.

-Since most people lack in the ability to truly think and empathize with others differences (fetishes), I'd be afraid  the representative would just sweep it under the carpet and not say anything, hence releasing any embarassment to him/herself in front of the party members, or just thinking there are more important things to discuss than sexual desires or lifestyles.

We would need someone who is familiar with the fetish world and open to discuss matters in a public forum in person nationwide.

The world we live in, isn't ready... My opinion.
Title: Re: Whic 2016 Presidential Candidate is best for the Financial Domination Interest?
Post by: sgtjdusar on December 22, 2015, 11:04:39 PM
Thank you. 

Being that I am a U.S Citizen I am not too familiar with Canadian Politics.  That being the case,  I surely cannot write a good opinion on the topic of the politics in Canada.  However,  I do get the impression based on what I see is the thinking that Canada is not really even a country.  Sorry Canadians.  Just my observable opinion.  Without the U.S,  Canada could not exist.   However, got to say one good thing about Canadian FD's  Some of them seem very good FD's.

For a Money Slave who would enjoy the idea of Currency Domination finding a Canadian FD could be a perfect FD relationship.  Just have to find the right Canadian FD. 
Title: Re: Whic 2016 Presidential Candidate is best for the Financial Domination Interest?
Post by: Heima1 on November 02, 2021, 09:31:06 AM
Hmmm, this aged

The idea that somehow Canada isn't a country because it depends on another country is an odd one, seeing as how pretty much ALL countries depend on other countries in some way or another. The exception may be North Korea, but even they depend on China, so I can't think of any country that is truly independent of others.

That includes the USA, which also heavily depends on other countries to survive...

We are all on this Earth together, right?  ;)