Welcome to the forum!
As you can see, this community is quite new! The more you contribute your stories/fantasies and experiences, the more your name is seen throughout the forum.
Take advantage of adding your links to your website, and other forum profiles. Feel free to add a banner to your signature for FREE! Don't hesitate to order your pathetic waste of spaces to join here, as you can also add a banner of your choosing to their signature for FREE as well.
This community forum isn't about making money, it's about having fun, learning about others while getting ideas for tasks, and exploring your fetishes from every angle possible. It also provides a place where you can place your links and promote yourself, and what you're about. (No spamming though...lol)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me through the community inbox!
Have fun, learn and explore!
As you can see, this community is quite new! The more you contribute your stories/fantasies and experiences, the more your name is seen throughout the forum.
Take advantage of adding your links to your website, and other forum profiles. Feel free to add a banner to your signature for FREE! Don't hesitate to order your pathetic waste of spaces to join here, as you can also add a banner of your choosing to their signature for FREE as well.
This community forum isn't about making money, it's about having fun, learning about others while getting ideas for tasks, and exploring your fetishes from every angle possible. It also provides a place where you can place your links and promote yourself, and what you're about. (No spamming though...lol)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me through the community inbox!
Have fun, learn and explore!