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My personal experiences with Financial Domination relationships and in person.

Started by sgtjdusar, December 25, 2015, 06:36:16 PM

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I have met in person with several of the financial dominants that I have served to some degree who I have initially met online. 

However,  I do not refer to them as "Sessions".   I call them just meeting a FD in person.  "Sessions" to me to me is too much like paying to meet someone.  Which to me,  I have never paid a FD for anything.


The experiences have been mixed. 

Being a Money Slave to some degree for over 45 years I obviously would have been involved with FD's well before the so called "Online Financial Domination Interest".  Going well back into the 1980's and even 1970's. 

First episodes were being forced to hand over some lunch money, paper route money and into my early work history leading into adulthood.  I personally do not recall any time in my life where I was not involved with a FD in some sort of capacity or degree.  However, the term "Financial Domination",  "Money Slavery" did not even exist.  It was just called being used for the benefit of someone else.  You could call it Bullying.  However, in my case,  I do not ever think I was ever bullied or forced to give or transfer money to anyone against my will.  In fact, most of the time after handing over my measly pay checks I was very happy afterwards and looked forward to the next time.   Later when I was making my military pay I know for me I felt a need to transfer my pay check to a pretty Philippine Woman in exchange for her willingness to enjoy my presence and be with me.    To me that was all I sought in life and very contented in serving. 

I can also remember about 1997/1998 first discovering the Online world of Financial Domination.  The Preverted AOL Chat-rooms on the topic were some of the sickest form of preversions I have seen.  However, once in a while a True FD would pop up that might attract my interest. 

My first successful online contact with a FD occurred about 1998 and was with a Atlanta based FD named Goddess Mistress Octavia.  I sent her $60.00 and her response was "Why so little?"  Never contacted her again after as she definitely was not my type.  However, I soon learned about the Online World of Financial Domination was almost always the same as it is today.  Preverts, Frauds, Psychos, Knuckleheads, Instas and the like.  Nothing has changed!

I often laugh at some people involved in the interest claiming to remember a so called "Golden Era of Online FD".  Sorry to tell you this. Their has never been a Golden Era of Online FD.  Their have always, fakes, Instas, Frauds, Scammers, Rip-Offs, Preverts, Penis Pic Senders, Morons,Psychos  and Knuckleheads within FD and always will be.   FD is a magnet for freaks, fakes, preverts, frauds and the like. 
My first online FD relationship whom I later met in person was with a FD from New Bedford, Massachusetts named Kristina.  Visited her twice and found her to be a cold, distant personality and on the detached side of life too.  I have no idea why I continued as her slave as long as I did.  She was a real piece of work!   

The second FD I met in person occurred about 2005 with a FD from Orcas Island, Washington State.  She was married to a Mormon Bigamist.  However, she was actually a fairly good FD.  Even though she probably did not want to be a FD.  She probably more was interested in selling cam shows.  I ended that relationship after about two years due to the distance was just too great to maintain the relationship that I thought could work.  One of the highlights of that meeting was that she actually did a in person ATM Cash Withdraw of $400.00 and she was quite receptive of my presence.  However, as I said the distance was just too great and I could never get the feeling she really wanted to be a FD. 

I also met a Former online active FD named Andrea who lived in Lansing, Michigan at the time.  She was extremely pretty.  However,  I thought she was afraid of me even though she practiced FD online fairly well.  That relationship ended after I felt she could not trust me and often mismanaged her money.  She also bothered me that she neglected her offspring.  One of the big things that bothered me was that she convinced me to buy her a $740.00 set of Earrings.  A few months later she pawned the earrings for $50.00 to get a Carton of Cigarettes,  Then lied to me about it.  Claiming the earrings were lost at a gym. 

Her tobacco addiction really bothered me as I thought she wasted money and neglected things she should not neglect.  As well as she would make very illogical decisions.  I also questioned her ability to be a dominant after I learned her former husband would often assault her and then get back with him.  Andrea could be a excellent FD at one moment and the next moment be very neglectful.  However, I enjoyed her in person ATM Withdraws and her very attractive looks.    I served her off and on for about 5 years.  And in fact, at one time we are engaged. 

My most recent former  FD I have visited her twice.  That relationship just ended less than a week ago.   I could never get over the feeling that she was unenthusiastic about the relationship and that she was not very communicative at all.  I believe in a True FD Relationship just as any relationship requires a consistent and constant open access communication.  Granted, she was ill for a long time which I often excused.  However, still could not overcome the feeling of her being distant and unenthusiastic about me or the relationship  Even though knowing of her over 6 years and serving her 5 years.  We were even engaged and still she seemed unenthusiastic. I also felt she refused to take the engagement seriously.  Which annoyed me to no end.  Which I explained to her quite often.   Her responses seemed to have very unenthusiastic, Cold, short and Terse.  And when she did respond it seemed as though the communication would end abruptly. 

Granted,  I was aware she was ill and under medications.  But, still felt she could better communicate and honestly update me clearly which she could not or would not do.

I am now looking forward to a new FD relationship that will be True and life long,  Something that has painfully eluded me for the past 45 years as a money slave. 

I also served a FD about 2004 named Megan who was a Nurse from Bloomington,  Illinois.  I was going to visit her.  Was on the Plane and then received a Text Message from her while on the Plane Boarding Gate that she could not meet with me. 

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